
Nordimet is indicated for the treatment of:


- active rheumatoid arthritis in adult patients,


- polyarthritic forms of severe, active juvenile idiopathic   arthritis (JIA), when the response to nonsteroidal

anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) has been inadequate,


- severe recalcitrant disabling psoriasis, which is not adequately responsive to other forms of therapy such as phototherapy, psoralens and ultraviolet A (PUVA), and retinoids,


- severe psoriatic arthritis in adult patients.


- Induction of remission in moderate

steroid-dependent Crohn's disease in

adult patients, in combination with

corticosteroids and for maintenance of

remission, as monotherapy, in patients

who have responded to methotrexate.


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IE/21/NOR/005-01      Date of Prep:  Aug 2021